Sunday, December 19, 2004

My last blog from CSS

This will be my last blog written from my desk in room 135 of Cedar Hall, The College of St. Scholastica. It is a sad day...

Tomorrow at noon I will be moving out and checking out with my RA. That is, if I finish my statistics final by then.

My room is starting to look pretty empty. I have my bedding, and computer. But my roomates crap sprawled across the floor makes up for my lack of crap. Which is why it's only starting to look empty.

There probably won't be too many blogs between now and Christmas. Its hard to get computer time at my house. When I go to Josh's lab or his house I will try to write something to let you all know I'm alive. (Although the only people that read this are family and hopefully they will realize I'm alive when I'm sitting across from them at the dinner table).

So this is all for now. The last blog from my desk at CSS.


CAL said...

This is a big change. And hard (for both of you, Gina and Elizabeth). The sadness is real. And it should show you how important your experiences together were. So realize their importance won't really diminish, and neither will your friendship. Things do change. And some days you're gonna long for the old times. But I think your friendship will just get stronger, even if you do see each other less. Sounds crazy, I know. But I also know how I feel about my two closest college friends (who I haven't seen in eons, and only hear from at Christmas time). They're so special to me. Near to my heart. Maybe that's what time and distance add to a friendship: they bring it inside you.

Kendrick Novak said...

Last blog from CSS and apparently the last blog ever. What's with my family never writing??