Saturday, April 28, 2007

More about life with Coen, and dentistry

Since tending to Coen is pretty much the only thing Josh and I do these days, its about the only thing I can blog about- so if you're tired of hearing about him, I'm sorry.

Yesterday Josh and I went on a date, without Coen. We dropped him off at Grandma and Grandpas and we went out to dinner. Having our choice of any restaurant and being able to take as long as we wanted we still chose OCB. It was good though, their dessert station is amazing, and it was so fun to watch all the kids load their ice cream with gummie bears and nerds.

After dinner we went grocery shopping. Most people would follow dinner with a movie, but when you only have 2 hours to yourself for the entire week I guess its more important to make sure there is food in the house.

The end of my semester is very near. Only finals week left, then I have a two week break- to spend with Coen! Its amazing how in an instant my whole life changed to revolving around a tiny baby. Then after my two week break we start our summer session where we have a few more labs- endo and implants, a few more anesthesia practices, and then on May 22 I see my first patient! And on May 24th I see my second patient- Josh! Don't worry- he'll be fine, I'm basically only doing a hygiene appointment- no needles and no drills.

So if anyone needs dental work done, I am now available for patients. If you come to the U just know that it will take about 2 appointments (one for x rays and one for a treatment plan and general exam) before any work will be done. But the bigger patient base I have the better I'll be able to meet my requirements and graduate on time. The U is about 1/2 as expensive as a regular practicing dentist and they accept all insurances. So please, think of me if you need/want some dental work.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

One week

I cannot believe that tomorrow will have been one week since I had Coen, it went so fast, especially compared to the weeks before his birth which went so slow. Tomorrow is also my first day back at classes. I have a denture patient in the afternoon that I really can't cancel or I'd get behind and as long as I'm going to see my patient I figured I'd go to the lecture before hand that tells us what we are doing with our patient this week. So I'll be gone for about 5 hours, big step. Josh will be here, as will his mom so I know Coen is in good hands but it will still be hard to leave him.

It has been so hard for Josh to go back to work this week, and classes and leave Coen. That's right, Josh has actually moved from his spot on the chair and has given Coen to me. Next week Josh is on vacation from work and I know he is so excited to stay home with his son. He is such an amazing dad.

Monday, April 09, 2007

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Life will never be the same

It is so good to be home with little Coen. We've had a few visitors and have even taken Coen out and about a few times. Josh has been quite the baby hog, holding him all day and sleeping with him on our chair. He has definetly gotten more sleep than me. Our little guy is just so quiet I keep waking up to check on him.

Tomorrow will be his first Easter! He dyed his first name egg on Friday night after mass at Grandma and Grandpa's house. It was pretty crazy there, like usual, and he slept through it all. Of course when we got home where it was nice and quiet he was wide awake!

I am off to bed while Josh watches our little guy. Hopefully I can get in a few hours of sleep before he wakes up.