Friday, September 28, 2007

Coen's favorite song

Matt, I think you will be really proud of this kid...

No matter what is going on, if Coen is screaming or just playing he stops everything and turns his head so fast towards the tv everytime The Office opening song comes on. He absolutely loves that music. We've been watching season 3 on dvd for the past few weeks so he has been able to hear it often. I think I need to download it so that when he is really crabby we can just play it and put him in a better mood.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

NBDE part 2 sections 1,2

So there are so many portions of the board exam that I don't even know what part I am taking this weekend. I just pay, show up, and pray that I pass. This year our school is the guinea pig school. We are the first set of 3rd year students to take the practical portion. So who knows how it will go. Usually these boards are on a saturday but because the 4th years are taking them saturday we have to take them Sunday. crappy. We had practice boards a couple weekends ago, again, on a Sunday. Basically I failed. But I only failed about one criteria on each tooth, so now that all of those thing have been brought to my attention hopefully I will pass. The third years have more recent experience working on plastic teeth, which are a lot different from real teeth but the fourth years have more experience doing crown preps so they really are at an advantage. Anyone can cut a plastic tooth if they are experienced and skilled, like the fourth years. But we just don't have the clinical experience yet to have proficient skills.

Anyways, its stressful, it ruins my weekend, and if I fail I have to pay another $1000 to retake it. Sometimes dentistry sucks.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

I rock!

So today I started my first root canal therapy. I say started because I only cleaned and shaped the canal and next appointment I will fill it. And then I will make a crown for it. But let me tell you, what a high it was to do endo today. It was so just cool and fun. And it was a maxillary tooth so I did it all in the mirror.

Also today we got our album back from our vacation. So awesome. So if anyone wants to visit...

Thursday, September 06, 2007

A couple pictures

We took so many pictures during our vacation too many to post them all, but here are a couple to show that we really did make it there. I made an album online which should be here in a week or so for anyone who is interested in seeing all of our beautiful scenic pictures of the park, and all of the wildlife we saw. We even saw some moose!

I have no idea why this is underlined and no idea how to make it not underlined so if anyone can help me with that, that would b nice.

Sunday, September 02, 2007


I passed!!!!

And our trip was awesome. Pictures to come soon, hopefully.