Monday, March 14, 2005

A funny story

Today I was driving to work (thats right, I finally got a job) in our wonderful little car and I had the radio on. The front left speaker is kind of crappy so the balance is set so that it does not come out of that speaker. But I hear the music from the back left speaker and the right speakers.

So today as I'm driving, all of the sudden the music got quieter and I realized there was no sound coming out of the back left speaker. I was thinking that our car was really going to crap. But then all of the sudden the music started coming from the back left speaker again. However, shortly thereafter it went out again. And then came back on.

It kept doing this all the way to work and all the way home from work. When finally I realized what was happening. Every time I turned right the music went out in the back left speaker and when I turned left it came back on again. I thought, this is really weird. Until I looked behind me as I was turning and saw the road atlas sliding across the ledge in back, blocking the speaker each time I turned right and uncovering it each time I turned left.

Sunday, March 06, 2005

Its Official

This Saturday night I will be hosting a party, Emily will be cohosting. That means that you're coming over to help clean! :)

We're gonna play some games, eat some food whatever.

It'll probably start around 7:30.

Matt and Laura I'm hoping you can make it.
Emily and Eric you better be here.

Theresa Maria, try to get permission if you're free.

Any one else who wants to come is invited too!

But be warned our apartment is small.

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Domestic Gina

So this week I have been feeling very domesticated. On Monday I made a menu for the next two weeks. Just like my mom used to do. And then I made a grocery list of everything I needed for the next two weeks. Then I went grocery shopping. I have never gone grocery shopping for myself for that long of a time, it took two and a half hours for the total experience. Driving, shopping, paying, driving, unloading the car, and putting the groceries away. I have never spent that much money in one grocery trip either. But it was worth it, because we are having some good meals in the next two weeks. The savory pork loin has been in the crockpot since early this morning and smells so good. If Josh would have gotten out of bed this morning we could be eating by now, but he didn't, so we are having a late dinner.

Yesterday Josh and I went to dinner at my cousin's house. It was a really good time. It was our first dinner with another married couple. We thought that maybe we would run out of things to talk about but we ended up having some great conversations!

Soon I think I will be a working wife. I had an interview at Kohls yesterday, they didn't say what would happen next, so hopefully I will be getting a phone call soon. Otherwise I have to pursue some other options. As much as I don't want to work, it would be nice to make some money. The bills are piled high and it would be nice to get some of them paid.

I got my new social security card the other day. Gina Lorraine Andersland. It is so weird to see it in print. I ordered new credit cards today too, up to this point I have been signing everything Gina Novak but soon I will be signing my new name. It is so weird. And I really have to concentrate and spell Andersland in my head everytime I write it. I'm sure it will be awhile before it comes naturally to me.