Monday, November 21, 2005

I love free stuff

Dental school is great for free stuff. A few weeks ago we had a vendor fair where all these companies basically loaded your bag with toothbrushes, floss, toothpaste, pens, notepads, and other odds and ends. We get "goodie bags" in our mail boxes filled with toothpaste and toothbrushes. I was thinking that I will never have to by another toothbrush as long as I live. (and i've already given molly on down new toothbrushes). Well today my thinking was confirmed when the entire first year dental class recieved an $120 electric toothbrush made by Oral B. I guess eventually I will have to buyreplacement attachments for it but thats ok with me because this toothbrush rocks! I tried it out, as soon as there was enough charge to the battery, o my gosh my teeth feel amazing!! I can't believe I waited so long to get an electric toothbrush. I love free stuff!!

Next year I think we get a sonicare, which is another super amazing electric toothbrush. I love dental school (well this week anyways).

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Busy busy busy

Well school has been keeping me pretty busy lately. I am so excited for the Thanksgiving holiday, four days off from school! Next week is looking pretty great, for once we have no scheduled tests, that means that my vacation really starts as soon as my biochem test is done tomorrow.

Today I bought my first Christmas present. I never thought I would do my Christmas shopping before Thanksgiving, but I don't get to the store that often so since I was there and alone I was able to pick up a present for Josh. Its nice to get a head start since I won't have much time to do the rest of my shopping until after the 14th.

I wish I could make my blog more interesting but I spend my whole day at school. Not very exciting. There are some big things coming up in my future so hopefully I will have good stories from those. Thanksgiving, Christmas, a wedding and New Years, a free night stay a the Depot with water park passes, girls night out, an anniversary party to plan, and a trip to DC and my first year of dental school to finish. So busy...

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

A disapointing Halloween

I was really looking forward to seeing all the cute trick or treaters last night. There are always tons of kids playing around here so we bought a couple bags of candy on Sunday in preparation.

When Josh came home from school around 6 he said there were tons of little kids running around. However we didn't get our first trick or treater until 7. Little Red Riding Hood and a something with a sword and shield. We got our second trick or treaters around 7:45, two little asian boys dressed up as two little asian boys.

The house across the street had a steady flow of trick or treaters. And I know you could see our brightly glowing jack o latern (that was attacked by squirrels during the day and now resemebled a hideous monster instead of the cute smiling jack o latern we carved) from their house.

O well, at least we bought candy that we both enjoy.