Friday, March 23, 2007

Place your bet

Ok we'll do this price is right style. If you want to make a bet on when the baby is coming pick a date and time. The person closest without going over wins. My actual due date is April 3.


Kendrick Novak said...

April 6th

Gina said...
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Kendrick Novak said...

Ok, April 6th at 11:00 am. But I think people should just pick days.

Gina said...

Well if we want to do just days then no one can pick the same day. So April 6th is taken.

Katie said...

march 30th

Gina said...

Josh says April 5th

Gina said...

Katie, I love that you are thinking early! I think I am going to go with the 10th.

Matthew B. Novak said...
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Matthew B. Novak said...

1 Dollar!

I mean... April 7. Laura's birthday. Plus, it's a Saturday this year, so you won't have class.

And the actual retail price is...

This is Bob Barker saying, "Help control the pet population. Have your pet spayed or neutered."

Laura's gonna go with the 11th.

empeterson said...

April 1st.

Kendrick Novak said...

Lindsey says April 8th.

empeterson said...

I think Eric is going with the 3rd, but it might be the 2nd. He never looks at blogs anymore so I'll have to ask him.

Gina said...

I think he decided on the 3rd

Emily Powell said...

March 31

Anonymous said...

foolish people i think you won't go until the 14th (sorry) unless you are induced this is dad by the way

Gina said...

The 14th? no way.

CAL said...

Okay, the voice of experience says April 9, early morning.

Eric Michael Peterson said...

i did want the 3rd.

empeterson said...

is there a prize for the winner?

Gina said...
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Gina said...

sure there can be a prize, diaper duty for the next month.

Kendrick Novak said...

How about a candy bar?

btnovak said...

I think that I Shall choose the 4th of April

empeterson said...
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Lady said...

dude, matt took my day... Gina you know that i dibsed it at KC game... shoot.. well i pick the seventh pm so matt gets the am no arguements...

Matthew B. Novak said...

No, I'm arguing that. I have the entire 7th.

superscalifragilisticexpealidocious said...

of course youre arguing matt....
both my days have been picked so can i say youll go into labor on the 8th and actually give birth early on the 9th???
well too late i did!!

Matthew B. Novak said...

Look people, if we're doing this Price is Right style, then you don't get to double-bid a day. If someone goes before you on price is right you can't take their bid. First person to claim a day on the blog gets it, and them's the [Price is Right] rules.

Anonymous said...

How funny/ironic is it that Josh won...and the prize is diaper duty for a month?! Have fun guys!!
(great Aunt)Vickie

Anonymous said...

Never mind about Josh winning,...I just found out now (from reading Emily and Patric's blogs no less) that Coen was born on the 4th...not the 5th. I just assumed it was the 5th...I never did hear any detail...weight, length, time, etc (so much for a "great" aunt!)