Friday, September 28, 2007

Coen's favorite song

Matt, I think you will be really proud of this kid...

No matter what is going on, if Coen is screaming or just playing he stops everything and turns his head so fast towards the tv everytime The Office opening song comes on. He absolutely loves that music. We've been watching season 3 on dvd for the past few weeks so he has been able to hear it often. I think I need to download it so that when he is really crabby we can just play it and put him in a better mood.


Matthew B. Novak said...

Yup. He's pretty awesome.

Of course, we've got a lot in common, Coen and me, so it makes perfect sense.

Did you watch the Season 4 premier last night?

Gina said...

no... we had to watch greys instead... i'm hoping its online so we can watch it this weekend.