Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Busy Busy

Well things have been pretty busy in the Andersland household lately. Coen is now 3 months old, we can't believe how big he is. He is amazingly strong and people comment all the time how they think he is much older than 3 months because of his muscle tone. He holds his head up all by himself and is working on mastering sitting on his own. He's only rolled over front to back a few times, none of which I witnessed. When I'm around he acts like he can't do it, and whines because he knows I'll pick him up.

Lately we have been interviewing nannies for the fall and today we hired one! She lives in our complex which we thought was a definite bonus. No traffic to make her late, no slippery roads in the winter, no car trouble. She is from Brazil (maybe Coen will be bilingual!) and although she only had one reference from the mother of a child she babysat this past year, who was from Peru and already moved back so all we had was a very very well written letter, the fact that her husband is in dental school is practically a reference for me. I feel like that shows that they are stable, and intelligent people (he is actually in the graduate program for tempromandibular disorders) and anyone who goes on past a DDS gets 5 stars in my book. She is the only one who picked up Coen which really said a lot to Josh. Josh was at all the interviews which was nice to have someone to talk to about what we thought about each candidate. We interviewed 5 women and honestly, I would have hired on the spot 2 of them, and then 2 others I also felt would have done a great job. So we are pretty pleased with the response to our ad.

Now I feel like we can relax a little knowing Coen will be in good hands. I was a little worried that we wouldn't find someone in time, since we are taking a vacation right before school starts but Karla said that it works out perfectly that we don't need her until september because she is having visitors from Brazil in August so its great! We do need a sitter next week because my sisters are taking a family vacation so we are going to have Karla watch Coen for a few hours on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday kind of as a trial run but I am sure it will go very smoothly. Coen is such an easy going baby.

Coen keeps us pretty busy but I guess there are a few other things that occupy our time. Josh is still busy with school work, but soon it will slow down a lot for him. I am ending the last of my preclinic lab classes next week. I am busier than ever with patients and lab work but once classes end hopefully it will feel like I have more time. I need to start studying for boards, which I take in August and I also need to make some plans for Emily's bachelorette party So far 4 people (outside of the Novak girls) are coming and I've gotten one no RSVP. I think it will be a pretty good turn out! The rest of the summer is looking to be pretty busy, but then we are going to Yellowstone for our family vacation before we have to start our busy fall semester!


Katie said...

i can't even imagine trying to hire a nanny. that would seriously be one of the scariest things to do. but that's awesome that you had so many to choose from, and it would be super nice to have someone living so closely.
are you guys gonna get to jenean's next weekend? you should definitely try to make it out - it will be super fun.
we'd love to have some visitors down here too if you have a chance!

empeterson said...

ok, who else rsvp'd? and who was the no?

i'm glad you got a nanny, but i'm curious-you said 4/5 were decent, was the 5th one awful? i just thought it was. when are you going to bring coen here so i can see him again?!

Anonymous said...

Whew, you guys have been busy! I am very excited that the three of you will be coming to the BBQ though, see you soon!!!

Matthew B. Novak said...

You're going to Yellowstone? Lucky!

empeterson said...

any more rsvp's?