Sunday, November 28, 2004

invites invites invites

Well I am staying true to my previous blog and writing about the wedding plans. This past week Josh and I wrote out invitations. What a job! If you ever get married go straight to your grandparents for addresses. Or better yet, don't be the first one in your family to get married and use your older sibling's guest list. Josh's brother got married a few years ago, but his family likes to move, so his list was not very up to date. However, it was much more up to date than my family. For example, we have invited my cousing Jodi to at least three graduation parties in the last four years and not one of the invites has gone to her current address, but have we updated our list? Nope, we keep sending it to the wrong address, and well surprise surprise we get it back with a nice red stamp that reads "return to sender."

1 comment:

Kendrick Novak said...

Wait a second. I wrote an invite to Jodi for no reason then. Crap, what a waste of time. By the way, who really is gandersland?