What another long week it has been. I honestly could not tell you what happened on Monday. One day this week our last goldfish died, so we were left with one pleco in the tank, which hides a lot so Coen lost all interest in his fish, until today when we got GUPPIES!! And a couple of neon tetras. The guppies are actually very pretty, I enjoyed picking them out and can't wait until they reproduce so we can have more color combinations.
Today was quite crazy because Coen had a fever last night so he wasn't suppose to go to daycare, well we didn't know that so we dropped him off anyways and they called and told us we had to come and pick him up. I had a seminar this morning, patient in the afternoon and Josh was at school for conferences. After calling some people and actually managing to make some plans Josh decided he would just come home. Coen was actually doing pretty well but by the afternoon was getting more and more whiny and his temp. kept going up. So we decided to take him in to get him checked for strep throat since its been going around his daycare. The rapid came back negative, but it turns out he has an ear infection. So he's now on antibiotics for the next 10 days. At least he's not contagious.
Tomorrow Josh and I are playing catch up. We are both so far behind in school work and studying. We are sending Coen with Maria to my parents for the day so we can have some time to get stuff done. Then tomorrow night I am going to scrap mania at Archivers and am sooo excited! I am planning on catching up on our family album and maybe even working on Josh's album, which I started in the spring and was hoping to complete by Christmas.
We are thinking of getting a babysitter for the next 3 or 4 Saturdays so we can have some study time, which I really need this next month since I am taking boards the first week in November, so if there are any volunteers who want to spend a fun filled day with Coen just let us know!
I am free most days to babysit. Also, I thought I was first on the call list for Coen. Why didn't I get a call?
I volunteer Kendrick and myself to babysit next Saturday!
Eric and I can probably take a Saturday or 2, I just have to check my schedule but now that September is over it is pretty free, and I would love to spend more time with Coen.
Because it was early Kendrick and I figured you would be sleeping or teaching.
But we will take you guys up on your offer for next Saturday.
And Emily maybe if you are free the third Saturday (the 18th, or the 25th) you and Eric would like him for a few hours? I just realized how few days I actually will have to study...better get back to it.
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