Everything has been moving so fast lately, I can barely keep up.
A few main points from the last few weeks.
My 1 hour glucose screen came back very high so I had to do the 3 hour. It was long and painfully boring but everything looks good. They told me I need to eat less sugar and exercise more. Funny they never said anything about exercise when I gained 60 pounds with Coen and now that I chase him around, walk every day, will be starting a pilates class, and have only gained 7 pounds so far they feel the need to tell me to exercise more. Go figure.
We bought fish, as most everyone already knows. We bought 5 goldfish, 2 plecostomas, and 2 snails, which is way too much for our tank I guess because they got sick, which happens when they are stressed and dirty. So we treated our tank, which ended up killing the fish that didn't even have the parasites. Then the one with the parasites really bad died. So now we are down to 2 goldfish, 1 pleco, and 1 snail. At least I'm pretty sure the one snail is still alive. I thought it was dead, then it moved to the wall, but now it is just sitting on the bottom again. The big one is still in the tank, I wanted to give it a couple of days to prove it was dead, but I should probably take it out soon before it starts rotting or something. If we can manage to kill these goldfish soon we will be switching to guppies or tetras or something not so dirty. Coen absolutely loves the fish though and I find them relaxing also, which is good, because life has been hectic lately.
I started studying for boards. Yuck. It is hard to find the motivation each evening. But little by little I will relearn everything I was once taught and hope that its enough to pass.
Clinic is going really well also. I think I managed to schedule my denture competency patient today. That was my biggest stressor, because they take so long to make and if you have to wait for extractions to heal then they take even longer and I really didn't want to be working on them in April or May or June. I still have quite a few competencies to complete, some composites, amalgams, and a crown, but those all take a lot less appointments to complete so even though I would love to get them done soon, if its spring semester and I am just starting it won't be that big of a deal.
I also volunteered to be the yearbook chair. What I was thinking, I'm not really sure but I really need to spend some time getting that organized so my committee members can start making their pages. It really shouldn't be much work after this initial set up- I hope.
Josh's teaching is going well. He has a lot of students that don't show up regularly which is frustrating to him. There is talk of him being "promoted" to .8 time. Which would be pretty sweet for the checking account.
Only 2 more months to go before baby #2 is here, which will only make life crazier, but exciting.
1 kid to 2 is a lot harder than I expected... but I have a feeling all of your experience will make it a breeze for you...
I can probably empathize a little when it comes to studying for boards, since I had the whole bar experience. It's rough. The key is to just sit down every day and work on a little. You'll never know "enough" but if you're competent on everything you'll be fine. Just lay down a solid base by doing a little every day.
Beta fish. at least get one. they are very self-sustaining and pretty to look at.
ps last year some girls on my floor got fish and a snail. all the fish died. but the snail ended up eating them all. so.... yea, just thought i would share that little tid-bit
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