Isn't he handsome! And totally adorable! I love his glasses. Now if I could only get him to keep them on. He wouldn't eat his dinner with them on, he said it was too hard. So we made a deal that he had to put them on right after dinner and wear them the rest of the night. He has a tball game tonight so we'll see how well that goes. He is currently wearing them now though and has been for like 15 whole minutes!
Lets hope he doesn't break them because boy were they expensive, and of course we have no eye insurance.
How soon can he get lasik???
he looks so cute!
Next time, get glasses through walmart. They have nice kids glasses with lenses for about $50
i got my last pair of glasses on zennioptical.com $20 shipped, and I got more expensive titanium frames (my kids are always ruining my glasses!!!)
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