Friday, April 08, 2011

Gettin skinny

Well I finally signed up for weight watchers. I am determined to lose some weight. I've been doing it (online only) for 1 week and so far so good! I weighed in this morning and am down about 5 pounds in the first week! I think that partially has to do with my crappy scale that I used last week. But I'll take it! Hopefully I can keep up 2 pounds a week- that would be awesome.

Even with Coen's birthday party during last week, I still ended up with a few extra points (which they don't recommend, but I'm ok with it) I definitely didn't starve (the first two days I was a little hungry) but I am just much more aware of what I put in my mouth. Someone brought muffins in to work the other day, two weeks ago I would have eaten half, at least, without even thinking about it. When I calculated how many points one muffin was it was about 45% of my daily points. So I said no thanks! So proud of myself.

I paid for a 3 month membership so I hope I can stick with it for at least 3 months. That plus exercising and I'm hoping I look better than I do now when I go to Florida in June.

Tonight or tomorrow we are hopefully going to try the biking thing again. I just hope Cadence gets in.

1 comment:

empeterson said...

Good luck with biking, hopefully Cadence isn't so traumatized she won't do it!