Sunday, August 10, 2008

A whole month crammed into a week

Last week was so busy, with a lot of major events happening, it really seemed like a whole month went by.

I finished my last final on Friday, I will never have to take another class or test if I choose not to. Hooray!
Thursday our car was spray painted. Filed a police report, made a claim, then I decided to attempt to scrub it off with finger nail polish remover, it actually worked without taking the car paint off. It doesn't look perfect, that side of the car kind of looks a little dirty, but maybe I will have some time soon to go over it again to try to get the rest off.

Thursday Josh was also offered a job teaching high school chemistry at Roosevelt High School in Minneapolis. It is only a .6 position (just a little over half time) but it is all chemistry and it has full benefits and the pay wasn't too bad so we decided it was worth it. All of the other positions that Josh has been interviewing for have been mainly physical science (9th grade) and other randoms such as physics or engineering. Josh's dream position is chemistry so we will keep the belt tight for one more year so that Josh can get some really great experience and also be a little less busy than a full time position which will really help when the baby comes this winter.

Since Josh will be starting work soon I emailed the daycare at CSCC and asked if Coen could get in soon, and they have an opening now so he will be starting as early as Wednesday! There is a lot of paper work to fill out and medical forms to get from the doctors but once those are done Coen will be in day care full time. I think I am going to try to push his start date to next Monday, I would like one more week to hang out with him.

Yesterday we went and bought Coen's first big boy twin mattress. It was kind of frustrating though because 2 weeks ago we went to Slumberland to check out their mattresses, and found one we liked for $199. A little expensive for us, but we figured it would last quite a few years (10 or more). So yesterday we went back to Slumberland to buy it and it was now $219 and had their big flashy sign saying "hot buy" right next to it. We asked the sales man how come it wasn't $199 any more and he said, "well the price of petroleum is going up so that means that the price of steel is going up also." Load of crap because actually the price of gas has been dropping! So then I asked him how they could label this mattress a "hot buy" when there had been a significant increase in the price, and he really didn't have an answer for us, so we walked out. It was kind of shady... We ended up at the original mattress factory where a very helpful salesman sold us Coen's first mattress, and mattress pad, which was the same one they sell at slumberland for double the price!

Coen slept in his bed last night, he did wake up twice but we walked him back to bed and he fell asleep both times. He was already asleep when we put him to bed so we'll see what happens tonight when we put him to bed when he is awake. We made sure to pick out a mattress that both Josh and I thought felt comfortable just in case we end up laying with him for awhile.

I have this whole next week off, and am very excited to just get housework and errands done. We thought about taking a mini vacation but decided to just stay around here. We might end up at the beach one day and we are going to a movie one day and the Renaissance on Saturday so overall I think it will be a nice relaxing week off.


Anonymous said...

Hurray for you Gina and Hurray for Josh!! What an exciting time for your family. gail

Cooper said...

Congrats on finishing school and the new job!

empeterson said...
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empeterson said...

That's good that he's been doing so well with the bed!