Wednesday, August 13, 2008

A big day for the soon to be dentist

Today I shadowed a dentist and then we sat down and talked business. Basically I have a job. Hooray! There will be an official contract in January, after he buys out his partner so nothing official yet, but still very very exciting.


Anonymous said...

WOW!!! Hurray for Gina!! gail

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Gina!!

Matthew B. Novak said...

Awesome! Is that routine or did you really impress? Who's the dentist? Where are they at?

Gina said...

I only impressed because it is Dr. Breitbach and to him having a "hometown girl" is his ideal. Both the hometown part, and the female part. He said to me, "I could interview 10 people but I wouldn't know shit from shoe shine." So basically I have to get in there, and impress him with my charm and skill once I start.

Matthew B. Novak said...

Did you shadow him before you even went to dental school?

Why the girl part?

Jenean said...

Awesome news Gina - way cool!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Gina!! it's lauren pacey!! congrats on the job... you know what's funny?? i actually worked with him and his wife at the diner today at the fair and well my mom was working and she realized it was him so she introduced herself and then my mom kinda told him how we all knew you and your family and then she told him about her dental office and then he mentioned you and so i was like small world... cause i knew of the name but i couldn't put a picture of him with it until i saw him so yeah that's my story haha!