Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Sometimes I just don't understand

So Sunday I started feeling sick. Really bad sore throat kind of achy. Monday I had a fever, sore throat and extra achy. Emily called said she had strep throat, since I spent Saturday night with her I assumed i also had strep. I decided I should go to the Dr. and get a culture and Coen probably should too since I kiss him, share my ice cream with him, we drink from the same glass etc. Both of our rapid tests were negative. Tuesday night I had a missed phone call from the Dr. office about Coen. So this morning I called back, he's positive for strep. He has shown no symptoms yet I have shown all symptoms and still negative. They refuse to put me on antibiotics and I can't really blame them because of all of the ab resistant strands of bacteria out there but I am still sick, my throat hurts so much, and I work in a health care setting and am potentially passing out strep to all of my classmates and patients.

So tomorrow morning I am going in for another throat culture, gag me again- I know I have strep throat.

1 comment:

Matthew B. Novak said...

If it comes back positive I think you should tell the Dr. that you're not paying.