Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Memorial weekend

This past weekend was so much fun. Josh and I did a little bit of everything. On Friday night we went to watch Josh's stepdad race stockcars. I have never been to a car race before so I learned a lot and actually had a really good time. It was really loud and really dirty but still fun.

Saturday we slept in (because we got home so late from the races) and then Emily and Eric came over. Josh and Eric went golfing while Emily and I ran some errands. We took in her wedding dress to be cleaned and then went to the fabric store to pick out colors to make her a quilt. (Shhh its a shower gift so don't ruin the surprise). Then we went to Dairy Queen and ordered blizzards which we ate as fast as we could so they wouldn't melt on us.

Danielle was visiting from Chicago so she came over and we all played boccee ball, which is the best summer game ever. I'm pretty sure I dominated.

Sunday Josh and I went to Canterbury where we were just miserable because it was so hot and way too windy to hang on to all of the papers and stuff. We didn't stay the whole time, which is unfortunate because the last two races were like these crazy short sprints that would have been really fun to watch but the heat wasn't worth it. Plus we weren't winning which makes it not so fun.

Monday was the best day when we went to William Obrien State Park and swam all day with the fam. I have never spent so much time in a lake at one time. Caine and JJ were pretty fun. JJ is one brave kid and kept going in the water up to his neck.

Overall it was a pretty great weekend. One of the best parts about the long weekend is the short week of classes that follow, tomorrow is already Wednesday!

1 comment:

empeterson said...

surprise? yeah right.