Monday, February 20, 2006

What a headache

After three full days of trying to capture video from our camcorder to our computer so I can burn it to a DVD I finally succeeded! First I made a trip to best buy to buy speakers for my computer because without sound there would be no movie. Then I figured out that the USB connection was just not going to work so I had to make another trip to the store, this time to comp USA to buy a firewire cable thing. Then I realized that the windows movie maker did not burn to a dvd, only to a cd and I'm pretty sure that that program is not capable of making an MPEG-2 file which is needed in order to make a DVD. So on Sunday Josh and I made another trip to best buy to buy a program to edit video and make dvds. After loading the program and finding out that I couldn't register because their website was down (what kind of bad luck is that) and knowing that I needed to register in order to get the rest of the program to encode/decode mpeg I quit. Until today when I finally succeeded. It only took me about four stinkin hours, just today to finally get it to burn. And then I thought it wasn't working on our DVD player but it finally decided to load.

So now Matt and Laura can finally get their wedding video that we have had this entire time. Hopefully I can get it to them by their one year anniversary.

Its kind of a crappy process because you have to play the entire video when you are transferring it to the computer and then putting it on DVD takes an excurciating long time. And depending on how much time you put into editing...

Anyway, I feel a lot smarter now that I have finally figured all of this out. I now understand why videographers charge so much.


Lady said...

yay for gina!!! at least you did it, i would have found someone i know who can deal with computers and had them do it for me. hehe, good work.

Matthew B. Novak said...

Well, seeing as you'll be visiting us before our anniversary, I'd hope you can get it to us. I think Macs are usually quicker about burning and copying DVD's. And iMovie is a great program. Any chance you guys could try to ship it out here though? If we don't get it, we could always have you burn another one for us... ;-)

Seriously though, we appreciate this so much. Thank you.

Gina said...

I will try to get it done this weekend and shipped by monday. Let me know if you want an edited version and a real version. I'd like to play around with the program, add some music, let me know if you'd be interested...

i was wondering, how did you make that dvd for laura? with imovie?

Matthew B. Novak said...

Yeah, I used iMovie. Um, I'd love a copy of each, if you want. Definetly an edited version if we can only get one.

empeterson said...

want to do dinner again on saturday and talk about wedding stuff with eric and I?

Matthew B. Novak said...

We got it today. The DVDs are awesome. Thanks soooo much.