Well geez, once again it's been forever since I've updated this thing. Every time I start up again I say I'll write more but then I realize my left isn't very exciting. Even my blog decor isn't very exciting. But who has time to really do that? Not this momma.
We've been having a blast this summer. All three of the kids discovered they actually like to play in the water and Coen will even run thru sprinklers (and now he'll even take a shower instead of a bath!) Probably more because Leo takes them now but whatever, as long as he will take them I don't care how he got there.
So a couple of big things happened/are happening with me. First and mostly sad I had a miscarriage. We weren't trying to get pregnant but my thyroid meds were off so my NFP signs weren't real define and we weren't exactly super strict on preventing. But because of who knows why (again could be because of my thyroid) I miscarried. And what a miscarriage it was. I thought I was start a normal cycle but then it kept going and going, for 55 days. Around day 14 was when I went to the doctor and had my hcg checked- I was a little surprised there was any at all. The levels were low so I had it checked again 2 days later, it was suppose to double, it was higher but not doubled. At this point she suspected a miscarriage but couldn't rule out pregnancy yet. Anyway, yes I miscarried. I think my hormones got a little out a whack (combined with the messed up thyroid) but other than being a little more emotional I am fine. Sad that I lost a baby, but I lost it before I even knew about it and that happens quite frequently so I'm ok with that. S
On to some better news. I have been really slow at work. (no that first statement was not sarcastic, just keep reading, it really is better news). I've been working up the courage all week to talk to Dr.B about dropping down to 3 days and I've submitted my resume to a couple of offices around the twin cities looking for some part time work (1-2 days a week). So of course I didn't talk to Dr.B this week but about 15 minutes after I left work on Thursday he called and said he wanted to talk to me about Dr.C (Drs A, B, and C- this could make an interesting Dr.Suess book.) Well Dr. C- who works in Andover (!!!) and who I really enjoy talking with, well his associate just quit and he is looking for someone to come and work with him- Fridays perhaps. So this just fell right in my lap! (Well now I'm wondering if perhaps I sent my resume to Dr.C's office without knowing, sometimes they don't list in the ad where their office is at.)
So I will be talking to Dr.B next week and hopefully things will work out. Exciting!