Friday, March 23, 2007
Place your bet
Ok we'll do this price is right style. If you want to make a bet on when the baby is coming pick a date and time. The person closest without going over wins. My actual due date is April 3.
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Spring Break
Well my spring break is coming to an end. As much as I hoped the baby would come this week I guess I always realized that the chance of that happening was very low. So once I realized that, I decided to spend my break doing a whole lot of nothing, because this could be the last week of my life that I have without a kid. Monday night was poker night, Wednesday I went shopping, at the Mall of America. We (Emily and I) didn't do much shopping, but just had fun taking JJ and Caine around. I bought four new books and am almost finished with the second one. I haven't done fun reading in so long, and I'm sure after the baby it will be a long time before I get to do it again. Tonight I am going to watch Kendrick play baseball, tomorrow night Josh and I are going to a game night at a friends house and Sunday we have dinner plans with his old lab mates. So even though I am dissapointed that the baby didn't come this week, it really hasn't been too bad of a break.
Monday, March 05, 2007
Boring, not boring, and back to boring
So far my pregnancy has been very uneventful, boring even. Well today I had a doctors appointment and things almost got interesting. Well my pregnancy actually got eventful for about 3 hours. The doctor checked my cervix, no change blah blah blah boring boring boring. But then she was checking to make sure he was head down and she said it didn't quite feel right, so I needed to go have an ultrasound. Since the rest of my week is crazy we tried to get an appointment for today, well that was harder than it sounds because the phone and fax lines were down at the office so they couldn't fax surburban imagining my referral. Finally I told them I had a copy of my referral, I can bring it with, please get me in today. So they did. Our appointment was at 6:30, check in at 6:15. Of course we were early so we just waited, more boringness. We finally got called back, she slimed up my stomach, and the first thing we saw was that his head was indead down. Sigh of relief. For a few hours I thought I went through 8 months of boring pregnancy to then have the most unboring of all events happen, a breech baby, which means a C section. So back to the boringness. Which after today's little scare is fine with me.
Since we were there looking at our baby we got to see a lot of stuff again. His face doesn't look like a skeleton anymore and we confirmed that he is in fact a he. No doubts there. So now its just a waiting game. Our doctor doesn't let her patients go more than a week overdue, which I think is wrong, so if I am overdue I will try to push for two weeks past my due date- not that I want to go long, but I really don't want to be induced. But hopefully I won't go overdue anyways. Either way there will be a baby in 5 weeks! (or 6 if my debating skills are up to par)
Since we were there looking at our baby we got to see a lot of stuff again. His face doesn't look like a skeleton anymore and we confirmed that he is in fact a he. No doubts there. So now its just a waiting game. Our doctor doesn't let her patients go more than a week overdue, which I think is wrong, so if I am overdue I will try to push for two weeks past my due date- not that I want to go long, but I really don't want to be induced. But hopefully I won't go overdue anyways. Either way there will be a baby in 5 weeks! (or 6 if my debating skills are up to par)
Thursday, March 01, 2007
The last month

Well I am approaching my last month of this pregnancy. It has gone pretty quickly so far but now I am just getting so anxious and excited to have this baby. I'm not super excited about the whole labor part but am getting very excited for everything that comes after that. I'm still getting bigger and more uncomfortable every day. I wish there wasn't so much snow on the ground so I could wear slip on shoes or flip flops without getting my shoes full of snow and soaking wet. Oh well, at least I am not overly warm. And as long as Josh is around I have a personal shoe helper.
I would really like to have this baby over spring break, which is week 38 of pregnancy so we'll see if that happens. I've gotten lots of advice for inducing labor but they only seem to work if you're already overdue so I doubt I will have any control of when I have this baby.
Here's another picture of my growing belly. The little guy still moves around quite a bit so I think he has plenty of room. I'm guessing that will be changing very soon as he puts on an ounce a day. I've already started feeling elbows and knees sticking out of my stomach. Its kind of weird but also kind of nice to feel the baby moving around. I can't wait until I can hold him in my arms!
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