Friday, February 25, 2005

Married Life

Well we have been married for almost three weeks and things are going so great. I love the married life. I think I love it a little too much in Josh's opinion. I am so unmotivated to get a job or even go to dental school. I love being at home, running errands on my own time, cooking, cleaning, it is such a good life. I don't even mind cleaning up after Josh (Josh this does not give you permission to be messier or to not help around the house). Once I go to school I know I will be so busy and overwhelmed that I won't enjoy doing the things I am doing now, I just won't have the time or energy for them. And that leaves me questioning my decision to go to dental school. I am hoping that in six months I will be excited to go to school. Hopefully I will find a job soon, and I think that will make me want to go back to school as there is nothing more motivating than working at printing enterprises. Working there is something I know I could not do for the rest of my life.

My whole goal in life is to work part time. So I think I will make it through my four years of dental school, possibly more, and then start an office or work with someone else, whatever opportunity presents itself and then after working full time for awhile cut back to part time. I guess my goal of working part time is motivating. I wouldn't want to work part time in retail the rest of my life, it would get boring and you definetely don't get paid enough. But a part time dentist would get paid plenty and dentistry is never boring!

Josh has been super busy since we've been back from Jamaica but we've still managed to spend some time together watching our shows on Thursday night and even playing trivial pursuit. We got the 90s edition for our wedding, and there were actually questions we could answer! We have a lot more games to play so hopefully we'll find time for them all.

This weekend and next if needed we are writing all of our thank you cards. They are going to take forever. I'm making Josh write all of the thank yous to his relatives, and even though I probably have more thank yous to write I am sure I will get done way before him. That kid gets distracted so easily. Maybe thats why he and Jeph get along so great.

Josh and I are going on a date tonight, actually I guess Its a double date since we are meeting Emily and Eric to go bowling. But first we are going to dinner, but we have to find somewhere that serves seafood. Maybe he'll take me to red lobster...yum....

Monday, February 21, 2005

A beautiful sunset Posted by Hello

Josh climbing up to go down the waterslide Posted by Hello

My hunky husband! Posted by Hello

Friday morning I was so sick. I woke up at 1am thinking I would have to go to the hospital. I couldn't even move. After some wonderful (american) drugs, I was able to get up and even eat breakfast. Josh went and brought breakfast to our room and we ate on our beautiful patio Posted by Hello

Relaxing on a hammock during the sunset Posted by Hello

We saw a couple of lizards on our trip.  Posted by Hello

Beaches is a family resort so we were often visited by sesame street characters including elmo, chloe, grover, and cookie monster Posted by Hello

Beaches Sandy bay had an xbox room that had 16 xbox machines!!  Posted by Hello

Just relaxing in the pool after a hard day of playing on the water slides. Posted by Hello

A view of the island of Jamaica from the plane Posted by Hello

A picture of one of many pools at beaches Negril, this one had a swim up pool bar. Posted by Hello

Saturday, February 19, 2005

Jamaica and more

So my first blog after the wedding and I'm already having too many problems. I like so many other people just spent a long time writing a blog and then I went to post it and it didn't work. I am so unmotivated on this dreary Saturday so I don't think I am going to retype it.

It was pretty boring anyway. Just a quick blog on Jamaica. How gorgeous it was and how much fun we had. And a couple of the crazy things that happened while we were down there. I think Josh will write them better on his blog, it might take him awhile, but check it out: .

I am going to post some pictures though, and I'll try to write a brief description. The pictures are all from our fabulous new digital camera!!

My long hair before I cut it. I cut off 11 inches and donated it to locks of love! Posted by Hello

The back view of my new haircut.  Posted by Hello

Every time we went on the beach it seemed Josh found a crab. They weren't plentiful, he was just attracted to them!  Posted by Hello

This was our first day at our resort. My wonderful HUSBAND!!! Posted by Hello

We took some fun pictures with our cameras. We set the timer and hoped for the best. Posted by Hello

The sunsets were BEAUTFUL, WE took way too many pictures of them each night.  Posted by Hello

I drank the juice right out of a coconut. I would not recommend this. But it was kind of fun to try. Posted by Hello

A picture of the restaurant at the Rockhouse and some of the cliffs. When the water was calmer, we snorkeled in this area. Posted by Hello

At the Rockhouse Hotel. It was beautiful there. We basically jumped off the cliffs (or climbed down the ladders) and went snorkeling.  Posted by Hello

I got my hair braided on Friday. It took her two hours but I got a really good deal!  Posted by Hello

Waterslides at Beaches Negril. We stayed at beaches sandy bay and had full privlages to the beaches negril property, so we spent a day using their water park! Posted by Hello

My new hair cut Posted by Hello

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Four more days to go

So I'm staying calm and stuff, and then I wake up yesterday morning with the hugest cold sore ever. Its so big that I think there is actually a cold sore on top of a cold sore. I can't believe it. The biggest day of my life and I have a growth on my mouth. yuck. I am so ticked off. I'm going to have to pose sideways in all of my pictures.

Besides the cold sore everything else is going great. Well excpet that Josh was puking his guts out yesterday. But I guess its better than Saturday.

Today I'm going to the mall of america with my gramma and aunt and uncles. I just need to stay busy, otherwise I have too much time to think about everything. And my thoughts are not good. No, I don't think about not marrying Josh, I am so excited to marry him. The gloomy thoughts on my mind are that of death. I am so freaked out that someone is going to die. So please, everyone drive really safe. If its snowing drive like a grandma (or grandpa). Just be safe!!